(US Country Code 1)
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David Allender
(US Country Code 1)
Physical Address:
David Allender
1 Moonbeam Rd
Manson, WA 98831
Postal Address:
David Allender
P O Box 108
Manson, WA 98831
(no spaces)
mail @ DavidAllender.com
(No we’re not worried about giving out our address or contact info. People have forgotten that EVERYONES’ names, numbers and home addresses used to be listed in phonebooks. The reason that changed is due to satanic fear mongering propaganda created to make sure We the People are disconnected from, and distrusting of, one and other. Get it? Stop playing into the hands of our evil system and stop being part of the problem! Provide your phone # at minimum as much as possible online! And most importantly, realize that God protects His people, if you’re a believer then why would you doubt that? It only shows a lack of faith and you don’t want that, God sees all!)
You can also use the following form but be aware that if you’re commonly censored like us, WordPress won’t let your message get through. (Everyones’ email addresses are linked to them in a NSA/CIA/Mossad database, this is how they know who to dissallow.)
Hi David,
I fell onto your page via the subverted nation website. It’s another BS site! How happy and stunned was I when I started looking into your site and the gazette. Just printed all your articles out and I’m going home to read them. Very excited! I knew they did 9-11 because of the local paper in Jersey covered the dirtbags who were arrested near the then Giant Stadium.I was living in Hasbrouck Heights NJ at the time. No other paper in the country picked up on the story; it’s then that I realized something didn’t smell right. I’ve been educating (very hard) myself on what’s going on with our country.Alex Jones and other Jew run sites that give you 90% truth, but not the big Rothschild picture. Leaving work now excited to read your material.