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David Allender
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Physical Address:
David Allender
1 Moonbeam Rd
Manson, WA 98831
Postal Address:
David Allender
P O Box 108
Manson, WA 98831
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mail @ DavidAllender.com
(No we’re not worried about giving out our address or contact info. People have forgotten that EVERYONES’ names, numbers and home addresses used to be listed in phonebooks. The reason that changed is due to satanic fear mongering propaganda created to make sure We the People are disconnected from, and distrusting of, one and other. Get it? Stop playing into the hands of our evil system and stop being part of the problem! Provide your phone # at minimum as much as possible online! And most importantly, realize that God protects His people, if you’re a believer then why would you doubt that? It only shows a lack of faith and you don’t want that, God sees all!)
You can also use the following form but be aware that if you’re commonly censored like us, WordPress won’t let your message get through. (Everyones’ email addresses are linked to them in a NSA/CIA/Mossad database, this is how they know who to dissallow.)
Great cartoons! I especially like the 600lb Gorilla. That says it all about our world and what the jews/satan have been able to accomplish. They have everyone looking the other way and hating each other instead of them, the only enemies Americans have! Simply amazing. I’d like to add the following I found at ziomania about the fraud and misnomer of jews calling anyone an anti-semite;
If one looks into the history of the word, “semite”, it has to do with a language group and no more. The semitic languages are, at least according to most linguistic experts, Amharic (spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea, the lands once known as Abyssinia), Arabic (spoken in all the Arab countries and in many Muslim countries because it is the language of the Qur’an), Hebrew (spoken in Israel and by some Jews and others outside of Israel), Aramaic (spoken primarily by the Chaldeans of Iraq and by some Catholic and Maronite Christians in the world, at least in their church services if not in their homes or business) and Syriac (spoken by a few in various parts of Syria and in the Middle East). Incidentally, according to most linguists, Abraham, the father of the Jews and Arabs, spoke Aramaic, that was the language of the land at the time, not Hebrew.
So, next time you hear a jew calling someone who’s exposing them an anti-semite, it should roll right off your back! Jews are semitic as apple pie, televisions and frisbees. It’s bullshit, don’t let them get away with using this word because they’ve invested countless billions of dollars and endless hours of propaganda to strengthen this lie, but it’s still a lie!
Just these comics alone tell more about things than you’ll find on 99% of other sites! Excellent job here!!!
Also, thanks for adding that Rocky. It’s a perfect example of how the jews will cheat, whine and lie about EVERYTHING. Why would the word anti-semite be any different!
Wow, that’s excellent. Thank you. And then you have hordes of deceived christians running around “parroting” messages and ideologies popularized by jewish subversives who are pastors and clergy in their churches! Yep, we’ve got a problem here don’t we!!!
Israel and the Zionist Monsters are the most vile, evil turds on the Face of the Earth. These Psychopaths will not only lead to the destruction of all Gentiles, but also every living thing on this Earth, including All Zionists! You should know that the Pharises Jews where the chosen ones of satan/lucifer and his demonic entities, that’s their g-d! From their Actions, you can see that they know absolutely Nothing about Love, Compassion, Humanity or Empathy. They were never Chosen by our (Gentile) Definition of GOD. (Creative, Prime and Loving Source.)
Amazing – people are finally starting to catch on! They didn’t know it but what the progressives have ALWAYS meant (and should have said) every time they talked about “the rich, the rich, the rich” should have been “the jews, the jews, the jews”.
It’s nothing new, they’ve been shouting it since Germany. Since Armenia. Since the French Revolution. Since Herrod. Since Pharoah, Since the Tower of Babel. It’s the FUCKING KIKES. EVERYTHING EVIL AND BAD ON EARTH COMES FROM THEM!!!
Just deleted over 100 spam and shill comments, time to shut ‘er down! The next issue, #000 is about our bogus, jew ran injustice system and their epic fail at trying to kill Peggy and I with a 65 man, $1.1 million dollar SWAT team attack.
Just so everyone can see a great example of karma, I’m writing this 4 years later, in perfect health, safety and sanity while sitting in our house which we haven’t made a payment on since July of 2011. The total in payments saved to date (6/4/2016, which just so happens to be Peggys b-day) is around $200,000! “they” have tried to foreclose upon us 4 times and failed at that too. Grime doesn’t pay!!!
One per day will keep the liars at bay! 😉
Oh, and BTW; in reply to Samson . . . CORRECT.
Nice Homepage. Greetings from Germany. The jews are still raping, molesting and killing German children till this day. Often in a ritual acts and it’s the same there in America, go to your local wal-mart or post office and look at the missing children posters, it’s like a trophy list for the jews. No B.S. It’s why We the People of Germany began outing and executing them in the streets pre-WW2 before Hitler came along to save them by rounding them up and shipping them off to the US and Palestine. DEATH TO ALL jEWS!!!
I just discovered your site and I LOVE IT! This is it, the Red Pill!
About the secret religion of satan among the people falsely known as “jews”… For those who haven’t seen it, back in 1989 Oprah of all people interviewed a jewish woman, Vicki Polin, born into a family of satanists. Vicki was embarked on a one-person campaign to expose this sick religion for the world to see.
Oprah, 1 May 1989: Vicki Polin, Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor
Joo-toob keeps deleting this video, so get it while you can…
Vicki was and is easily dismissed as a “nut.” Her claim is so outrageous that just hitting you over the head with it doesn’t work well. If anybody knows of a more in-depth, persuasive treatment of this subject, please share.
Anyway, I believe Vicki because I’ve run into more jewish women who told me the exact same thing. One of them grew up in a wealthy suburb of jewish doctors and lawyers outside Rochester, New York. She told me the basement of the local public library was their “synagogue of Satan”– the secret meeting place where satanists would gather to ritually molest their younger children, ages 2, 3, 4… “The younger the better” in terms of the horrible psychological damage done to them, which is the actual purpose. It’s not about pleasure. It’s how the satanists transfer their definitive mental illness– Multiple Personality Disorder– to the next generation.
She was also raised in the jewish religion, but rejected it in favor of Christianity, to heal herself. Like Vicki she was remarkably honest, courageous, strong. Hell, 99 percent of the jews I’ve known don’t even tell you they’re jews! And yet… I had reason to believe she was a mole infiltrating Christianity to corrupt it from within.
This is one of the most disturbing things… It’s possible for someone with MPD to consciously understand what’s wrong with them and tell you all about it and sincerely struggle against it and yet still have a buried personality that carries out whatever they were programmed to do. They’re the Ultimate Spies. Satanism is spy-craft, and most aren’t like Vicki. They don’t tell you anything. Hell, they don’t even let on they’re “jews!”
How much of “white” “America” is really crypto-moles? 20 percent? 50 percent? I’m telling you, their hidden number is astonishing. “America” is RIDDLED with them. I bet you anything they account for MOST “Christian” clergy, politicians, other public officials, university faculty, business executives… The way kikes operate, first a few infiltrate key positions of control, e.g. seminary administrations, then they proceed to stack ever more shit heads and crypto-shit heads into the whole thing. Pretty much every Christian denomination has already been ruined this way. Clearly.
As it stands, *some* of them can be discovered with “jew-dar,” but others are undetectable by this means. We need a “who’s a jew?” blood test field kit for detecting the satan genome, which probably resides in ribosomal RNA, not DNA (matrilineal somatic inheritance).
It will take nothing less to expose ALL of them, and doing so would change EVERYTHING overnight. “Liberals,” rampant corruption, druggies, “gender-fluid” degenerates, “millennial” anomie, rabid “minority” racists like Sharpton, “media” mass hypnosis, every other disease of “Modernity”– it would all just *POOF* evaporate, like morning fog burning off under a summer sun. The crypto-shit head plague is the root cause behind ALL OF IT.
The Cartoons might be the only thing to get the real sleepers to budge. If you haven’t already send them to someone you wish to get through too. You’ll be surprised at what these can do combined with a couple of good articles here on the gazette.
Hey Ryan, how’s things up in Canada? As to the comics, yes. It’s the reason we made the cover for the printed gazettes out of them. Good entry point for just about anyone.